Sunday, May 31, 2009

The other day

2 Taco Bell bean burritos (no cheese and no onions): $2.11

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Day something: more food purchasing

There was some lunch desperation involved in today's purchases.
3 Luna Bars: $3.06
Sun Chips (Hanover brand): $3.69
organic raisins: $2.79
organic banana: $0.33
Polaner All Fruit spread, strawberry: $2.59

Total, including tax (I'm not adding things, just going by memory): $12.62
total so far this month: not sure. I'll add them later.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Day 2: Some clarifications

This $150 for food for the month thing...I mean, I already have a good bit of food at the house, so it's not just going to be stuff I'm purchasing now. Last night, for instance, I made this fabulous noodle recipe for dinner (which was also today's breakfast and will probably be lunch), and I already had all of the ingredients.

The point of it for me, I guess, is to actually *use* the food that I have around (meaning, I will actually need to combine ingredients and cook things) instead of just running off for veggie burgers or whatever the next time I'm feeling lazy.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Day 1: Hi.

I've been inspired by's $3.33/day for vegan food, but am fairly certain I am not quite that intrepid. So for the next 30 days, I'm going to see if I can get by on $150. At this point, I have no idea how much I normally spend in a month, so this is a super-big deal for me.

(Oh, and in case you were wondering, the name "Rice Wine Vinegar" means absolutely nothing. It was the first thing I thought of that wasn't already taken. There's a bottle of it sitting in front of me as we speak. Or...type. Or whatever.)

Day 1: $13.83 was spent on:

2 loaves whole wheat bread (with *no* high fructose corn syrup, thank you very much)
2-26 oz. cans spaghetti sauce
1-16 oz. box angel hair (angel hair sounds so non-vegan, eh? I mean, are angels considered beings that can be exploited?)
2-6 oz. boxes SweeTarts (terrible for health, vital for smiling)
3 baking potatoes